Ken Martin in full flight    
The Best of North West from West Yorkshire
A History of the First Thirty Years 1980-2011
And now for added value the continuing story

NEXT APPEARANCE: See the Face Book entry of the current team.

HEADLINES Last Update 7th January 2025. Happy New Year
For the first time in nearly forty years I was not out at the Boxing Day dance-out. So it was good to hear that the team was out at the Kings Arms on Heath Common with five new dancers in the set! The average age of the team is now significantly lower than in previous years thanks to the sons and daughters of team members joining in. I think I'm right in saying Sarah Earnshaw is now the grandaughter and daughter of morris dancers and the mother of another, that's four generations. John Earnshaw has a special place in the history of Wakefield Morris as a founder member and is now the father of one dancer and the grandfather of another! Onward into 2025 then.

The foreign tours with Hanover Dansdeel update pages are still to come. Anyone got photos of the visits from Greenwich Morris and Half Moon rapper; or even the trip to France in the 1980's? Must ask Aileen Martin when we see her next.

This site was created back in the 1990's as the online presence of Wakefield Morris. For much of the first thirty years the editor was an active dancer and when advancing age and receding energy put an end to dancing, the web site continued as a history. The contacts are still be updated but day to day matters and developing repertoire are no longer be covered. But fear not, from the dusty back room video tapes (younger readers ask your parents) have been recovered and converted to modern DVD format. Details of the "tapes" are now on the "Galleries" page and details of how copies may be obtained. As of 2019 this content is now available in MP4 format and links on the repertoire pages will take you to YouTube videos of individual dances.
In 2016 I finally completed the sometimes salacious potted biographies that form the "Roll of Honour" of all those who danced with the team in the first 30 years. Still some blanks to fill and always open to updates, the editor is always happy to hear from members or acquaintances.

For more information on the Morris dancers world, to find a team near you or to simply explore the delights of the tradition why not try the Morris Federation web page.

E-MAIL CONTACT: for General Information or use this one for Booking Enquiries
For the current teams Facebook page. - Very trendy and handy if you still do Facebook.
Rhubarb Tarts - The Rhubarb Tarts where many of the team could once be found. As of October 2021 the Tarts went out in a blaze of glory at Holmfirth Festival of Folk. But if you follow the link you will find a site with tasty rhubard based pastries on offer! How quickly a domain name is captured! A quick check shows how transient modern media can be - the link is dead!
The Morris Federation to find a local side to you or information on dance.
Bacup Coconut Dancers - The place to be on the Saturday before Easter.
Townley Plays - See line 453 for the "Shrogys" reference.